Kate Save is an Accredited Practicing Dietitian, Accredited Exercise Physiologist and a Diabetes Educator. She has completed a double degree in Nutrition/Dietetics and Exercise Science, an Advanced Diploma in Diabetes Education, Masters in Clinical Exercise Physiology and a Masters of Business Administration.
Kate has lectured in the fields of Nutrition and Exercise Science for various educational institutions – her key areas of focus are weight loss, diabetes, heart disease, bariatric surgery nutrition, Coeliac disease, eating disorders, food intolerance and irritable bowel conditions. Kate also has been involved in assisting in the development of nutritional science subjects and assessment for Deakin University, MelbourneKate has years of media experience and enjoys presenting nutrition and health-related segments as well as corporate speaking whenever she gets the opportunity. Her main objective is to assist individuals achieve optimal health and well being through balanced nutrition and appropriate exercise.
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